Since players can get a nice piece of armor or a high-level omni-tool for completing the DLC, it is better to do it sooner in the game rather than later. The entire experience will take players around two hours to complete if they do all of the side content as well, so it does not take much time at all. Bring Down the Sky is entirely disconnected from the story of the rest of the game, so it can be completed at any time during a playthrough. The pack is one of the smaller DLCs in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and is available to players right after they get control of the Normandy and can tackle the Noveria, Feros, and Virmire. The group is using the asteroid's jet propulsion system to drive the asteroid into the nearby planet Terra Nova, which could kill millions. The DLC sees Shephard heading to the Asgard system where a research base on an asteroid has been hijacked by Batarian terrorists. The only DLC that players need to worry about in the first Mass Effect is the Bring Down the Sky mission, since Mass Effect: Legendary Edition does not include the Pinnacle Station DLC. Players who want to optimize their time with the game should check out the following guide that details the order in which this DLC should be tackled. The three games in the Legendary Edition are absolutely jam-packed in terms of content, with the DLCs of all games being present as well. Commander Shepard is a brilliant character, with his ragtag group of powerful companions striving to prevent the extinction of the cosmos itself. Updated on February 21, 2022, by Ritwik Mitra: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a great way to experience or replay through one of gaming's greatest and most beloved sci-fi trilogies of all time.
RELATED: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Mods Add Quality of Life Updates Including FOV Slider However, they have been modified to be found through research or vendors so that players don't get too much powerful gear at the start of the game. These DLCs all include various weapons and items that players will just naturally come across as they play.
While a good amount of the DLC content in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is full expansions that offer their own story, locations, and missions, many of them are also smaller packs that players won't have to worry about as much.

There are a lot of different DLC packs to keep track of, and knowing when is the best time to play each one to best serve the story can be difficult to figure out if one hasn't played through it all before. There is a lot of content to get through in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, especially if a player wants to experience everything that each game has to offer. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition just launched, and bundles all three games and nearly all of their DLC together in one convenient package.