If Apple continues to go the way it is with their laptops, I will most likely stop buying them and get a Mac Pro, or even make a Hackintosh for Final Cut Pro and editing images at home.

I am using a Surface Go now for travel, but still use the MacBook for most of my editing, including Final Cut Pro. Still, if you want to keep using yours upgrading is a great option. It may sway you into buying a new computer. If you want a new Mac, look at the refurb section on Apple's website. Because of the hard drive interface, you won't have the speed a newer computer with a faster interface has, but the difference between the hard drive and the ssd was worth it for me. I upgraded mine over time though, you will have to weigh paying $300 to upgrade vs over $1000 for a new computer. I would prefer a newer one for overall performance, but this one still chugs away. It still works well, and I prefer it over newer ones since I can replace parts when they go bad. I just recently replaced the hard drive with an SSD, and it was worth it. I am still using a mid-2009 MacBook Pro 13 inch. It all depends on you and your needs, but I would say sure. So, my question is: is it likely to be worth the cost to get this computer running again? the lack of modern ports (USB-3/TB), screen resolution, CPU speed). I like things about the computer (large screen, keyboard feel, builtin CD reader) but other things are less positive (e.g. The OS needs to be upgrade from El Capitan to High Sierra. There is currently a functioning LR/PS version 5 on the computer. It still has only USB-2 ports although it does have a Firewire800 port - not much I could do about that limitation. So, the total upgrade cost would be around $300.

It needs some upgrades: new battery ($100), expand the RAM from 8GB to 16GB ($70) and replace the 500GB HDD with a 1TB SSD ($140). I have a mid-2010 15" MacBook Pro that I am considering re-activating to use for photoediting.