The Iron Throne's traditional capital can now dynamically change to king's landing and other places Removed vanilla ask to embargo action and replaced with a decision for the mod, so AI and other conditions can be better controlled. Kingdoms inherited by distant relatives who are not dynasts now usually fall into interregnum (applies to Dany in Meereen) Unlanded characters may now renounce or take up piracy Added some smuggling events for pirates Made it harder to legitimise bastards, only kings and independent rulers can now grant legitimisation in most circumstances Added a decision to reassign a councillor to another vacant council position When successfully pressing a claim, a lord may now sometimes choose to vassalise the target rather than usurp Kingsguard can now choose sides in a mega war Improved vanilla 'arbitrary' trait events Added an 'old and lonely' mourning event It can no longer result in war, and has improved AI logic Reworked vanilla 'weaken fellow vassal' plot. Holding upgrades now work via a settlement decision. Added option to foreign tour to vist the wonders made by man (event text by Sinstar) A poor and weak AI patrician may now sell their family palace and patrician status to another lord Added a game rule for Targaryen coin flip event Can only be used in province bordering the rhoyne or it's tribuatries Added a modified version of the Rhoynar+ water magic. Added a special tributary type for the Sarnori mechanics Yi Ti culture now puts dynasty name before first name Added the new vanilla unjust war CB, game rule is defaulted to off Andals can use force vassalisation against First Men Added the new vanilla vassalisation casus belli Linked maesters with the new teacher title
#Ck2 agot submods sinstar mod
Adapted JD hiring chinese strategist events to the mod

Applied new vanilla kinslayer system, also added a suspected kinslayer trait Applied new monastic government to Norvos to make them playable Integrated some DLC falvour events and event pictures